Thursday, July 9, 2009

Update City

I spent a few hours last night updating my website,
I added tattoos, the birdhouses, the new WDU poster, even the framed skin.
I also got in a fight with the "mission statement", and have an entirely new, but maybe not better, bunch of words in it's place.

I'm up for critiques, of course.
On mission statements, word choices, or even tattoos themselves.

Summer is half over, and I haven't done much with stickers this year.
I was at the Triple Rock eating dinner with Meryl last night, and realized I didn't have any in my pocket.
I'm getting lazy.

The Minneapolis Tattoo Convention is coming up.
It's this September, and Todd and I have a corner booth, I believe.

Luckily, I have 4 new stickers coming soon, and some of them are big.
Like this one, it's 4.25" square.
It was going to be the dude's version of the Antlered Birdhouse shirt, but it never went into production.

As soon as they all come, I'll be sending out sticker packs.
My Northampton friends have promised an epic scale of coverage in advance of my guest spot there this coming November.
More details on the guest spot this weekend.