Wednesday, July 29, 2009

H1N1 in the mail.

The zines came in the mail yestrday,
10 total, and three of them already got scooped up.
If you want one, it's best to order them from here.
I probably won't have any by the end of the day.
Plus, they're only $3.

I think this one is needing to be a tattoo.

Next week Meryl and I head to Maryland, and then up to Connecticut.
We have house sitters, so Shamira will be able to stay home and chase squirrels while we're gone.
I won't be back in the shop till August 18th.

We have a busy schedule,
seeing family and friends, new babies, tree houses, doing and getting a tattoo.
All in 10 days in 3 states.
Hope to see you there.