Saturday, July 4, 2009

Arm Owls on Almost-Off Hours

I didn't take the holiday today.
I celebrated Independence Day by rocking it solo at Identity Tattoo.
By the time I figured out it was a shop day off,
I had already booked it up.

Luckily, Kelsey and Jenna brought the pre-fireworks fun.
I knew they would.
I got to do this owl tattoo on Kelsey, and some fancy script on Jenna.

After the not-too-normal shop day, we had Ryan and Rebecca over for firework viewing in Powderhorn Park.

There's been a few big black and grey pieces happening lately,
and I've been really into them.
I have some animal cubby-hole sketches that I'm looking to do and might get posted soon.
Let me know if you're looking for something big-ish and slightly absurd.
It might be a good match.

Also, I'll be gone a decent chunk of August.
Meryl and I will be visiting Maryland and Connecticut,
seeing family and friends, meeting brand new babies and tattoo artists, doing poker night, China Pan, and seeing the ocean.
As awesome as all of that is, it means I won't be at Identity Tattoo for two weeks.
Please plan your tattoo getting accordingly.

The Wingnut Dishwashers Union posters arrived, and I'll have some at the shop. Let me know if you want one.