Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wingnut Dishwashers Union

The new Wingnut Dishwashers Union album has been in my hands for a little while now, but I'm sworn to secrecy.
I am, however, allowed to show off the pseudo-commissioned poster I did for them and the DIY Bandits.

11x17, full color.
Micron pen and digital coloring

The cd should be out late June, and the band will go on tour shortly afterwards.
July 15th is the MPLS date.

I must have seen Pat/Johnny Hobo/WDU 10-15 times by now, including a show or two at the Warehouse Meryl and I ran for a hot second back in Wallingford, CT.
That was about 5 years ago, and I've always been a huge fan.
I'm excited that Pat and the Bandits asked me to be a part of this.

Here's a little show from last year I found on Youtube: