Monday, June 22, 2009

Shake Your Rump

Dark Dark Dark rocks a house party at the drop of a hat.

Yeah, that's my living room.
That wasn't the original plan,
we had a big fire outside and everything set up around it.
But a few drops of rain later and we decided to make it a living room show.

What's the special occasion, you ask?
The Briggs' from the Maynard House of Northampton are in town for a couple days.
Amy and Jaime.
So I have to cram the two weeks of hospitality they've showed me into just four days here in MPLS.
Of course it's not possible, but that's not going to stop me from trying.
(and their first night here was off to a good start, no?)

Big tattoos are planned for today.
Summer is two days old, and it's already pretty rad.