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Friday, June 19, 2009
Two years and custom tie.
Not Casual Friday is not to be taken lightly.
This morning I had a lot of things on my mind, and Meryl was driving me to work, so I got as far as putting my collared shirt on, but forgot the tie.
(and my back up tie that is kept at the shop wasn't anywhere to be found)
But, I'm not one to break silly rules, so I found a bag of fabric that a customer dropped off as inspiration for her next tattoo, found a kinda long piece, and made this makeshift-bow-tie-looking-thing.
Also, this week is my two year anniversary at Identity Tattoo.
Two years!
I guess that's officially my longest held job.
I'm a good employee, but not the best co-worker.
Thanks to Todd for having a shop I'm proud to be a part of.