Monday, May 17, 2010

The new flower guys

Now that was a weekend.

Kicked it off with a dark dark dark show on Saturday night.

We did some seward cafe eating,
dead sea scroll scoping,
st paul cathedral wedding witnessing,
polished nickel hardware shopping,
meryl completing her mfa celebrating,
gardening and yard working.

I ended my two perfect-weather days off
looking in all the florist dumpsters in Minneapolis.
There's a movie (or video?) happening this week,
and it requires a lot of (free) flowers.

I used to be quite the dumpster diver.
So much so that Meryl's mom mentioned it
in her toast at our wedding,
(exactly four years ago this thursday).
Actually, she called it 'dumpster dipping',
which is way cuter
(and far more accurate).

I've dipped in dumpsters
from Connecticut to Savannah to Seattle.
Back in those days,
it was multiple times a week.

Anyway, I still remembered how,
and we filled an old Volvo's trunk full
of not so fresh before your face flowers.
I hope the filming goes well.

Tomorrow is back to work,
with a full week of tattoos to do.
I got re-energized
by some great music,
good food,
and a throwback punk night out.