Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Big Exposure

I was given an awesome little write up on a popular art/culture site,
Right now it's on their homepage, if you just scroll down a little.
(notice they chose the dead cat image, haha. that one always gets attention.)

Check it out HERE.
You can also get to it with the "tattoo" link on their site.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Another week at f.f.

this past week's fecal face topic was jumping, here's what i did for it.
you can see the other entries over at their website, here.

actually, this week the competition is pretty weak. here's hoping i win.

Friday, June 22, 2007

New Ad

Here's the new ad for my shop. Things are going well, it's an awesome shop, and I'm thrilled to be here.
Anthony (tyrant) hooked me up with the lettering, and the ideas of the clouds. Thanks dude.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Done with Connecticut.

Well, I wrapped up my last day at Turnpike Tattoo yesterday. I had an awesome two years there, thanks to the owner Paul Serio for letting me work there and letting me do my thing.
Here's the (second to) last tattoo i did at the shop. The next tattoo I do will be from my new shop in Minnesota.

Friday, June 8, 2007


For real. These two sexy muppets got put between other tattoos (that i didn't do) on Turnpike Tattoo's apprentice, Kelly.
She's a really great artist, and will soon be the person to see for original, creative tattoos. When I return in december, I'll be sitting in her chair for sure.
If you don't remember the Manamana song, go here.

On a whole other note, tomorrow, Saturday, June 9th, is my last day at Turnpike Tattoo.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Last dead birds in CT

So Matt Kelly came and rocked out a 5 hour sit with me today, getting an entire chestpeice done. They are the last dead birds I'm doing in CT, and a really fun piece to do. Matt is a photographer and graphic designer and website dude, etc., and is putting all of his talents together and building a site full of dead animal photographs. He promises us a link soon.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Art Print

Here's the finished product of Meryl and I's print we collaborated on in that screen printing class. It's her poem, my illustration, and we both did the actual screening, though she did 80% and I rocked out just a little. It's a 3 color print on Stonehenge paper, some are cropped and some aren't. Click on it for a larger version.

I will have some available at the shop tuesday, thursday, friday and saturday, so if you want one stop by, or email one of us.
We could send it in the mail, though that might be after the move. we'll see.