Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Mid-Trip Update.

We're about halfway through our East Coast trip.

We're in our fourth room and our third state in 6 days.

There is a checklist of things to get done and people to visit while we are out here, and we're pretty much on track.

The only major plan-changer has been the stained glass window that I wanted to make for my buddy Dean's (in-progress) treehouse.
I had plans to do it in Maryland in my parent's basement, and to deliver it to Dean once we arrived in CT.
Except, stained glass takes forever.
Even with a modified (read: much smaller) window plan, I barely got through layout and basic shape cutting while at my folk's place.
I lugged the entire mess on a bus to CT to Meryl's mom's house, where it's currently set up in her garage.
Hopefully I'll finish it before we return to MPLS, but who knows.
Here's me in my parent's basement pretending I know what I'm doing.

Another goal of the trip, but one that went way smoother than the stained glass, was trading tattoos with Lovecraft Tattoo's Laura Usowski.
She had asked me for a pickle with antlers, and I had said I would like something "dead birdish".
(not only because I have a theme going, but also because Laura took my spot at the Peabody doing bird taxidermy after I moved to MN!)
We had never met before, and only briefly discussed the plan.
I didn't bring any tattoo equipment with me, and was using all of hers.
So I was using different machines, inks, needle sizes, everything.
I ALSO got tattooed first, and had that tattoo-high thing happening, so the whole experience was pretty surreal but really fun.

Here's a picture she just emailed me (I forgot my camera!) of it mid-healing.
I'll get a healed photo later.

Thanks to Laura for the awesome tattoo and the hospitality, and to my mom and Meryl's for letting me smash glass in their houses.
A few more days left.