Monday, August 24, 2009

As August winds down....

This weekend came with another epic "to do" list that didn't get fully completed.
I'm almost excited about summer being over so I can catch up with life.

I got in another 4.5ish hours on Meryl's never ending leg piece, bringing the total so far to 16? 17?
It was her best sit yet, no moving, no complaining; so we picked up some Soy Delicious on the way home for her.

I didn't work on the stained glass window for Dean's treehouse like I wanted to, but I did work on some house plans for it.
He liked the way they looked, but it increases his workload (and costs) tenfold from what he had planned.
But when it's done, it'll be the hottest house in Wallingford, I'm sure.

My front door is a rope ladder.