Saturday, May 2, 2009

Get your May Day on.

Happy May!

Somehow May Day wasn't a working class holiday, and instead a work harder day.
But that's ok.
There's a May Day puppet parade that comes down my street tomorrow, so we'll get our party on then.
And if we have good weather, the big pitfiring fun to bake the clay antlers will be going on as well.
South Minneapolis is where it's at tomorrow, kids.

I've been slammed at work doing lots of tattoos lately, and haven't had much time for emails and drawings and whatnot.
(and a lot of people have noticed)
So big appointments that have to be drawn on with Sharpie have been very welcome.
Riley (twin sister to the Roman Struggler)sat for 4 hours on this dragon rib piece.
We're not done yet, we'll do some texturing and smoothing and blendy fun once she's healed, but I thought we were far enough to take a picture and post it.
Of course, I forgot to take a picture of the Sharpie mess I started with.
The dragon's tail goes around and up onto the shoulder blade.
Once it's done-done, I'll post the full wrap photos.