Saturday, May 16, 2009

Book topped houses are for the birds.

8 hours of Art-a-Whirl today!
I did two hours last night as well, then caught Dark, Dark, Dark's show over in Dinkytown.
I think that's 4 shows of theirs in 2 weeks I've seen.

As for my work,
here's some better photos of the finishes pieces:

The day went pretty well.
It consisted of a lot of question answering,
and small-talk making,
and wondering if I shouldn't have been at work instead.

But I did get to see lots of super hot artwork done by tons of different artists all in one building.
And Ryan and I did go exploring underneath the Northrup King building in some weird grain tunnels or something.

Armed with only a cell phone and a camera flash to light our way, we successfully avoided tons of people shocked by the fact that someone might use books for the roof of the birdhouses.
The antlers no one questioned.
At all.
But those were mostly referred to as "horns".

Also, if you ever do Art-a-Whirl, go armed with a credit card machine.

We met some interesting people,
bloggers and birders and borderline nutballs.

Some of the artists were pretty dope.
Kristen Arden does some serious metalwork,
like this antler piece.

There was letterpressed art,
paint, sculpture, motorized metal (that was awesome),
and of course plenty of not so awesome things.

It's going on again tomorrow from 12-5,
but I won't be there for the first part of the day.
Meryl and I have tickets to the Guthrie,
our Christmas present from her mom.
We've heard some whisperings about this play, The Intelligent Homosexual's Guide To Capitalism And Socialism With A Key To The Scriptures, and we're excited.

Thanks to everyone who's come by and said hello so far, I really do appreciate it.
Hope if you're in Minneapolis, you're enjoying all of the commotion this weekend.