Thursday, July 15, 2010

Full House

Almost 7 hours of some really big flower work yesterday.
There will be lots of flower and leafy background stuff someday,
but for now Katie's headed back to Iraq.
She sits like a rock, and holds color like a champ.

It's been busy here at Louderhorn Inn.
Meryl's sister Casey had a baby last week,
making Meryl and I 'aunt' and 'uncle' for the first time ever.
And we've had Meryl's mom and stepfather staying with us for the last few days so they can visit their new grandkid.
Meryl's mom will be with us into August,
and we have other visitors coming as well.

The next few months are filling up quick.
I'll be headed to Peru in early September.
In October there's the Minneapolis Tattoo Convention,
and the New Orleans Tattoo Convention, which falls on Halloween.
How dope is that?
If you want in either of those two conventions,
please let me know.
For the MPLS one, I'm going to be REALLY picky about what i do,
but if you have an awesome idea, let me hear it.
I hope everyone is enjoying the heat,
because it'll be winter before we know it.
(at least in MN)