Thursday, April 1, 2010

So a berserker barbarian walks into an airport....

Joan sent this photo to me so that I knew how nice her tattoo looked
before she went and f*ed it all up.
I did these botanical bleeding hearts at the Philly convention,
but four days later she's swimming in a lake in Austin, Texas.
Oh man.

Speaking of bleeding hearts,
it's a sad day in Minneapolis today.
No foolin'.
Albie Rock was supposed to arrive at 5:30 last night.
We had two weeks worth of plans
that we were going to cram into 6 days.
Tattoos, shirts, still lifes, art, stickers, websites and more.
But where is he?
Well, his flight got canceled.
After he drove the three hours to the airport.
And Southwest thought Kevin Smith caused a scene?
(all that guy did was be fat and whine on twitter)
Albie Rock brought the thunder to the Manchester Airport, for sure.
And was then was forcibly removed from the airport.
No kidding.
You should read about it here.
I'm sure the trip will be rebooked for the near future,
and the case of root beer that Todd special ordered
will be sitting in the fridge waiting for him.
Louderhorn Inn will be happy to accommodate any reservation changes,
and tattoo appointments can be rescheduled.
We'll probably use this time to actually set up a 'Never Quiet, Never Soft' website.

So for now, it's just a little more of the same.
My (until recently) overbooked week looks sad and empty now,
so let me know if you want in.

Don't go swimming with fresh tattoos, kids.
Stay away from airports and exploding maple trees,
and don't poke the bear.