Saturday, March 20, 2010

Opening Day of Spring.

The first day of Spring?
Minnesota knows how to do Winter,
that's for sure.
But we're past that now.
We're over it, and moved on.

Springtime equals springbreak out this way.
I just finished up a jam packed week tattooing kids off from school,
all of whom needed to get their tattoo before they have to go back to Duluth,
or Wisconsin,
or North Dakota.
They had a week free of responsibilities,
and a check in the mail from Uncle Sam.

This weekend will mostly be spent finishing everything for the convention.
I leave for Philly on Thursday.
I no longer have any idea who's coming and who's not,
but I'll be there.

I did a tardigrade tattoo today.
These things are made tough.
(they are the only known animal that's able to survive the vacuum of space)
Too bad they got nicknamed "moss piglets".
Spencer and I geeked about fungi and dead birds and bunches of other things
while he braved this under arm tattoo.
You have to be a serious science nerd to really appreciate microscopic creatures,
but you know if it's an over-fed creepy animal,
I'm all over it.