Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I Want Your Skull Contest

The I Want Your Skull 8's arrived in the mail this weekend,
and they look so good.
And I have an extra one that I'm giving away.
(the first time I've ever hosted a contest, even)
How do you win it?

Just email me a photo of you holding an upside down heart.
My favorite of the all the photos I receive by Valentine's Day gets the new issue.
I'll even ship it anywhere in the world for free.
It's that easy.

If the submissions are dope,
I might even find prizes for 2nd and 3rd place.

So send me the photo(s) to :

And here's the actual art I did that got used for the cover:

It's been a long time since I last went,
so Ryan and I headed out in the snow yesterday to hit up a couple spots.
I got another sexy hurricane lamp.
This one even had some kerosene still in it,
and I lit it up once I got home.

I made some business cards for Ryan,
and we listed his gazillion skills on the back.
In exchange for putting together the cards for him,
he gave me this super sexy bear skull.
So dope.