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Friday, November 20, 2009
Almost back to *normal*
It was a rough week,
but I'm doing much better now.
Dr Pepper free for eight days.
My blood sugar has (mostly) adjusted,
and my violent mood swings are much less frequent.
I haven't been blogging much,
because unlike some people who only get funnier the worse things look,
I only get uglier.
Today's appointment actually called a few days ago to make sure I'd be in good enough spirits to successfully tattoo him after seeing my previous post about quitting.
So good.
We have some rad guests coming tomorrow.
Megan and Joan of Brooklyn NY are headed this way to get some bird tattoos,
eat a bunch of vegan food, sit around a fire, and see the sights of Minneapolis.
Megan has been friends with us for ages,
and I'm very much looking forward to it.
There may even be some art making other than tattooing going on,
but this weather in the mid 50's might keep us outside and riding bicycles instead.
I need everyone's addresses again.
My computer blew up while I was in Northampton,
and I lost everything.
So if you've ever gotten mail from me,
(or wanted to)
email me your address to shawnhebrank(at)
While you're at it,
you can send me lots of good music as well.
But don't feel too bad for me,
I got the new 27" iMac to replace the blown up one.
And it's sexy like a dead bird.