Sunday, October 25, 2009

Such a good day.

Sundays are days Meryl and I spend together,
since it's the one day we both have off.
And since I'll be out of town the next two,
we tried to fill this one to the brim.

Of course, we first brunched it up at Seward Cafe.

We then went to the Bell Museum of Natural History, which is like a smaller Peabody Museum (in Connecticut) and without dinosaurs.
Which is fine with me, I only went for the dead birds.

I found out that I'm able to take them any of the window kills that my friends and I find, and someone there will turn them into study skins.
There's a couple freezers that will be happy to emptied once I get back.
I'd love to offer them my services once a week as well,
doing the study skin stuffing myself,
but I've already got an overfilled plate.
Maybe someday.

Once it got dark we crossed the Mississippi into St Paul to enjoy a Halloween show put on by BareBones.
We didn't get any good photos since it was so dark,
but there was puppets, costumes, stilt-walkers,
fire, and a 35 piece orchestra.
So dope.

Some of the stilt-walking moth creatures got lowered out of these cocoons 50 feet up in the trees.
That was by far the best part.
If you're in the Twin Cities, and you don't go Friday or Saturday,
you are f*ing up.

It's crunch time, now.
Tomorrow's my last day off before the trip,
and I just added a couple new projects onto the list.
And we bumped into Nona this morning at Seward.
Dark Dark Dark is playing thursday night.