Saturday, September 19, 2009

MPLS Convention, Day 2.

Is this thing over yet?
Who's idea was this?

I started the day off with a very excited Mr Shoemaker.
We did this black and gray owl (with white highlights) sitting in a dead tree hole.
He sat great for four hours, and I was super happy with it.
I'm hoping that it stops being so red and hurty looking someday, and I'll take a new photo then.

I also tattooed a panda and lantern thingy on Chef Ryan that I kept getting ahead of myself on, and added extra parts as I went.
Which was cool, but it meant we didn't get to finish it today.
Ryan's entire posse came down for the event, rocked the convention shirts I did up, and egged me on.
My best behavior started wearing off right about then, but luckily Meryl showed up with a bag full of vegan Chinese food to put me into an MSG coma.
So I never got too out of line.

East Coast Convention attendees,
the Bird Flu Crew shirt wearing kids,
and anyone who might have ever witnessed the Turnpike times would be shocked at how quiet and good I'm being out here.
Minnesota Nice is the M.O. out here.
I'm just trying to not pee in my own pool.
Or something.

It is a different story in the midwest.
Folks in Boston grabbing handfuls of stickers when they hear that word "free".
Throws them into a greed-fest frenzy.
Out here, when people are told all the stickers are free, they politely ask if they can take two, because their friend who's back home with the flu would really appreciate one as well.
What? Yeah. Take a few. Really.
I've been here 2+ years, but it still feels weird.

So tomorrow we go and do it all again.
I have two more pieces left:
a lighthouse-treehouse and an antler/egg/rose combo.
We'll be a man short, but he is the short man.
Oh! Oh!
(don't worry Todd, we'll make you proud)

*the first two photos were blatantly stolen from Mr Shoemaker's facebook page. thanks to him for documenting the day so well!