Friday, April 10, 2009

Thank goodness, this not-casual Friday

My birthday was awesome,
thanks to all the people who called, texted, myspaced, and emailed.
I certainly felt loved.
And a bit overwhelmed.
(it was a lot of love)

I got some birthday song messages in english and spanish,
some awesome presents that came from housemates and packages in the mail,
a few people dropped off some cases of Dr Pepper,
and even Les the Mailman gave me a scratch-off lotto ticket.

Shoes came in today to watch his coworker get tattooed and to show off his full page City Pages "Bartender of the Week" award.
If you notice, his left arm has the owl tattoo we did a couple weeks ago.
Way to crush the competition, Shoes!
I hope it sends lots of heavy drinkers and big tippers your way.
(He works at the TGIF in Maple Grove)

Rebecca's doing the Art-a-Whirl next month, and asked me to share a space with her.
I'm thinking it's time to bust my butt and make it happen.
I'm putting together some ideas, and might post some pictures along the way.
Good thing Casey's around to help, she actually knows how to use real tools.