Saturday, March 21, 2009

East Coast Bound.

I leave tomorrow for Massachusetts, bright and early.
I'm packing right now, and knowing that I'm probably forgetting everything.
I'm feeling pretty stressed out & not at all prepared, but it's ok.
Once I hit the East Coast, I'll be well taken care of.

Tyrant is meeting me at the Boston airport, which beats the Peter Pan bus I took last time by something like 4 billion per cent.
The Maynard House just so happens to have the spare room open again for me. And this time, there's even a real bed (though last time, the inflatable bedroom palace was pretty dope)
Heather and Lori are back in town.
The Wallingford kids are filling a few cars and headed up for some fun.
It's McManus's birthday, and he's getting a half sleeve.
Albie Rock is scheduled to drive down so we continue the Big Plans.
Friday night is party night at Evolution in Northampton.
If you're in the area, we want you there. 9pm.

Today I started early and stayed late.
Packing up all your supplies to bring on the plane makes you never want to do a guest spot.
Or makes you want to use a very limited palate.
I should do a week where I only do black and grey pieces.

I finished this butterfly rib piece today.
She has 11 butterflies now.
These five took maybe 7 hours split into two sessions.
She's tough as nails, and gets some serious props from me.

Alright, back to packing.
See all you Atlantic-ers soon.