Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Minnesota (n)Ice

I slipped on ice outside my house this morning while talking to Albie on the phone.
I didn't break my face, but my elbow has been aching all day.
Serves me right, I got a letter in the mail a few days ago from the "Sidewalk Inspector" (no joke) saying someone ratted me out, and would I please use some sand on the hazardous conditions that threatened people on my property.
Minnesota winters are a hazard, buddy.

It did get into the above freezing temperatures today, and there was a great melting that happened.
But now it's back down to 15 degrees, and everything that previously melted is just thicker ice.

I think Chris is with me on wanting an immediate Spring in Minneapolis.
But he's real concerned about the ice melting too much in the Arctic.
This was his second tattoo, one sitting, maybe 3 hours?

The quick sketch I did for the tattoo: