Saturday, January 3, 2009

2009 and a quick look back.

2008 was spent figuring out a lot of stuff.
I did my first tattoo convention, followed up with a quick second, and then did my first real guest spot.
I bought a house which was a blessing and a headache at the same time, and continues to be.
Meryl and I did a lot of traveling and hosted a bunch of visitors and guests.
I spent the year at Identity Tattoo doing exciting pieces, making friends, and throwing antlers on things.

For 2009, I'm looking to have stuff figured out a little in advance.
I'm using January to make plans for guest spots and traveling and everything for the entire year.
I'll have a LOT of information hitting this blog soon.
I just talked with a few key people, and things are falling into place already.

I hope everyone is planning big things for 2009.