Monday, November 17, 2008

Oak leaves and Snowflakes

This is my last week at the shop before I fly east to Massachusetts for my guest spot at Off the Map Tattoo.

Johnny and Caitlin are still hanging out, and keeping our house full of awesome vegan food smells, talks of good books, and LOTS of laughing.
They are a wonderful combination, and we'll be sad to see them go. They are both about to make big moves, I wish them each the best of luck with their new adventures, and I hope it's not anywhere near as long till the next time we meet up.

Caitlin sat for a really long time today, and we started this breastplate into sleeve piece. It's obviously still very much in progress, but since it'll be months before we're able to work on it again, I thought I would post it anyway.

Here's the marker version I drew on first.

And here's the arm the next day: