Monday, October 27, 2008

Just burn away the cold.

I know, I know.
It's been a while.
Things have been kind of hectic lately.

But currently we have Adam in town from NYC, and we've been having a great time.
He's been here a few times or more, knows his way around town, and even showed me a couple dope spots.
We decided tonight that since it was a Monday night and only 35 degrees outside, we should probably invite a few of our mutual MPLS friends over for a fire, vegan cookies, apple cider, and dog bites.

It was only Friday night Steve told me he didn't believe me Shamira was a monster.
Monday night, he was convinced.

Dear dead little Squirrel,
Oh You,
Who until recently lightly nibbled on just one of my pumpkins daily,
Left nuts in my mailbox,
and taunted both my wife and my dog by hanging onto the window screens.
Was it was the upcoming winter,
or the fact that I removed the screens in Meryl's room and replaced them with storm windows?
I gave you a proper garbage can burial and know that Thursday,
which is pick up day,
you will go to a Squirrel Heaven of sorts.
There will be others, of course, but none quite like you.