Monday, May 26, 2008

The wave of visitors.

It's a true story: I have single handedly boosted Minnesota tourism totals 10% in the year I've been here.
Elias (formally Fidget) and Juanes made it safely to MPLS yesterday, Casey comes Wednesday, Michelle comes Friday, and my dad's going to be at a convention here all next week. And, since my friends know what's important in life, Juanes added the latest victory to Minneapolis in the 'Great Antler and Crutch War' on this fitting holiday.
After you've put all your picnic foods in your mouth, please remember our friends in OHIO who are now officially losing, and will never again gain the upper hand.
I am debating bringing the tattoo equipment to CT in two weeks when I go for
Andy's wedding. If so, you can have whatever tattoo you want, as long as you want a weird animal with antlers.
If you want a tattoo in MPLS before I go out to CT for ten days, let me know asap.