Sunday, March 23, 2008

What a week!

Albie Rock came out to MPLS and did a guest spot at Identity Tattoo with Todd and I. It was an awesome week: tattooing, making shirts, making stickers, celebrating some holidays, a full moon, and the 3rd birthday of Identity Tattoo! Since none of us drink, we killed a bottle of sparkling cider and a few extra Dr. Peppers.
Albie did some amazing tattooing, including a piece on Todd, and finishing my left arm sleeve! He still has all of his art and dolls on the walls of Identity, come in and check it all out, and remember that it's all for sale. He also just started up a blog, since his website is 4 years old, you can check it out here. It should be updated from this week of insanity once he returns to New Hampshire.
Here's a few pictures of the shirts, front and back. The Latin on the front says "Never Quiet, Never Soft". The colors are muddy brown ink on earthy tan shirts. The flash made these pictures a little washed out.

Here's a close up of one of Albie's amazing dolls:

Also, just in case I didn't have enough on my plate, I am now the Web Consultant for International Tattoo Art magazine.
Once I help bring the website up to speed, I'll post it here.