Saturday, December 1, 2007

ITA correction and new pics.

In the latest International Tattoo Art magazine, (Feb 08), there was a correction written about the few mistakes that were published earlier this year concerning yours truly. It was a super nice thing for them to do, and I appreciate it greatly. They also posted two new tattoos of mine, the bear half sleeve and Casey's seasonal leg vine thing. More importantly, both pieces were credited to me here in the new shop, and not to Connecticut.

Also, I keep getting questions about me tattooing in Connecticut, and I hate to let people down, but I have no plans to tattoo there anytime soon.
I have the Philly convention in April (which I think I'm fully booked for), and travel plans for Italy/CT in late May, earlier June, minus tattoo equipment. So, unless sometime late fall next year I head to CT, you might need to book a flight to Minneapolis if you need a tattoo by me this coming year.

Looking for christmas presents for people that don't suck? I have a bunch of stuff piling up in my workroom. Art prints, stenciled records, etc.
Contact me if you want something, I probably have it.